How to install the LinkedIn Insight Tag with Google Tag Manager
Google has its Gtag. Facebook has its pixel and LinkedIn as its Insights tag. Today, I'm going to show you how you can install this via Google Tag Manager onto your website. My name is Julian, and this is another episode of measure school. All right, welcome back to our demo shop where we want to install our LinkedIn tracking. Now, to do this, we need to have Google Tag Manager already set up. So this is the case on this page, we are in the preview mode. So Google Tag Manager is installed correctly. And you will need to have a LinkedIn account that you can connect to your ads. By the way, we also have a measure school LinkedIn page that you can follow to stay up to date with what we do here. But inside your Linkedin account, you can go over to this work tab here, and go to advertise. And this will put you into the LinkedIn campaign manager. So here we have our demo shop account which we have already set up and we're going to go ahead and click on account assets up here to install our insight tag. The first thing that you should do here is to add your domain. Now I've already done this, as you can see here, this is important. So we'll be able to get a later check if our tag is working correctly.
Now let's go ahead and click on this manage insight tag to see our actual tag. And if you click on this first point, I will install the tag myself we get our code that needs to be deployed. Now, all we need from this code is this number right here. So I'm going to copy this. Unfortunately, we can't copy the number. So I'm just going to go ahead and open up the developer tools. Here we have our console, just going to paste this in here, just so I can copy out this number that we would need. Close this again and go over to Google Tag Manager. To install the Facebook inside tag, we just go to the new tag that gives us a proper name. And in the tag configurations, we already have a tag template available to search for it. And here we go. We have our LinkedIn Insight tag. And all we need to do is input the partner ID. Now there are some more settings here. But we can safely ignore them as we don't want to customize our tracking in any way. And all we need to do now is to deploy our tags on all pages. LinkedIn insights tag will provide us with information about page views. Will also let us retarget and do conversion tracking. So let's see if it works by refreshing our page in the preview and debug mode, and going back to our page right here.
And we can see our LinkedIn insighhavehas already been fired. Now there is no tag extension that we can install to see if LinkedIn is working correctly. So we need to trust our Google Tag Manager console down here that it deployed correctly. The ultimate test would be inside our LinkedIn campaign manager if we see that there would be a signal that it was sent. Unfortunately, this takes a while. So we'll be able to test this right now. Depending on your website traffic, as it says here, up to 24 hours. So you might want to check back later if there has been a signal received by LinkedIn. With that in place, we can go ahead and now deploy our tracking to all our website users by going to the submit button and entering a version name. And publishing this to all our users. So it goes live on our website. And this way, we have installed the LinkedIn insight tag via Google Tag Manager on our website. Now, what if you would like to install conversion tracking for your LinkedIn ads campaigns? This is also possible. Let's go over here to conversions. And we can create a conversion by entering our conversion name, for example, the thank you for the purchase of a product, let's call this purchase. And entering our settings, we choose a type here, for example, purchase. And we can estimate the conversion value that we want to enter. Now, unfortunately, we will not be able to port this over dynamically. So you could put an average value in here or nothing at all if you don't want to put in a value, that's fine as well.
You can then choose the attribution window, and select the campaign to which you want to attach this I don't have a campaign set up right now. And then define whether you want to set this up through the insight tag, which is already installed on our page. Or want to deploy a specific pixel that fires when the user tags this specific action. If you go with the first option is pretty easy. But you can only track if somebody views a page. So for example here, we have an eCommerce store. So I'm just going to go through a conversion quickly. And we get to our order receipt page, somebody has bought something. So this is the URL that we could now utilize to tell our linked and campaign manager that we want to count it as a conversion. So for example, we can choose different methods here and have the URLs that contain a specific text in our case, would be auto receives because the other parts will change over time. So order receipts would be fine. And we can create a conversion. So every time a user clicks on an ad, then converts get to that page, it will be counted as a conversion. If you want to be a little bit more specific and use the capabilities of Google Tag Manager, we can also utilize the event-specific methods. So let's go ahead and set up a second conversion here, which will be again, a purchase, which leaves everything untouched. But this time, we want to install an event-specific pixel.
This will only count as a conversion for this one that we have set up right here. And what do we do with this code? In Google Tag Manager, we can go ahead and add a new tag. And this tag, this time is not a LinkedIn insights tag. And unfortunately, there's also no specific event-specific pixel that we can use for LinkedIn. So we will go with the option of the custom image tag right here. And we simply enter the image URL. Now, we don't need this whole HTML that is around the actual URL of our image. So we're going to get rid of that, which starts right here after the source attribute, let's get rid of that. And in the end, we also get rid of the HTML here. So this part would be our image URL that we want to fire when the user succeeds. If we wanted to recreate exactly what we have right here, can look into our preview mode. And we see there's a custom event here called GTMForWP.ordercompleted, this is custom to my website because I have set up the Google Tag Manager for the WordPress plugin. And based on that, I can build a custom trigger. So I'm going to build a new trigger that will fire on a custom event, which is this GTMForWP.ordercompleted, let me just see the exact event name right here. I'm going to copy that. And as for the trigger configurations, I'm going to choose the custom event. And he going to put in GTMForWP.ordercompleted. Now, this is just an example, it might be that you want to, for example, use a button click as a conversion goal or a form submit, then you would need to change this trigger around. Let's get this whole tag a name. This is still our LinkedIn tag. This time, it's an event-specific tab for our purchase. Let's save this and refresh and go back to our page, Now, we will need to go through a conversion again.And here we go. We get to the order receive page. And we see our LinkedIn event purchase pixel has now fired it's a custom image tag. And that sends the information over to LinkedIn. Again, you need to be patient here to see data showing up. Especially the conversion tracking only works when you have clicked on a LinkedIn ad, and then went through and purchase the product. So that's the only reliable way to ensure that this is working correctly. So since we only can see this in our preview mode, we would aeed to need it for all our users by again submitting a new version, publishing this, and now, going lv e on our website.
to our users by again submitting a new
version, publishing thi, and now goes live
Google has their Gtag. Facebook has its pixel and LinkedIn as its Insights tag. Today, I'm going to show you how you can install this via Google Tag Manager onto your website. My name is Julian, and this is another episode of measure school.All right, welcome back to our demo shop where we want to install our LinkedIn tracking. Now, to do this, we need to have Google Tag Manager already set up. So this is the case on this page, we are in the preview mode. So Google Tag Manager is installed correctly. And you will need to have a LinkedIn account that you can connect to your ads. By the way, we also have a measure school LinkedIn page that you can follow to stay up to date with what we do here. But inside your Linkedin account, you can go over to this work tab here, and go to advertise. And this will put you into the LinkedIn campaign manager. So here we have our demo shop account which we have already set up and we're going to go ahead and click on account assets up here to install our insight tag. The first thing that you should do here is to add your domain. Now I've already done this, as you can see here, this is important. So we'll be able to later check if our tag is working correctly. Now let's go ahead and click on this manage insight tag to see our actual tag. And if you click on this first point, I will install the tag myself we get our code that needs to be deployed. Now, all we need from this code is this number right here. So I'm going to copy this. Unfortunately, we can't copy the number. So I'm just going to go ahead and open up the developer tools. Here we have our console, just going to paste this in here, just so I can copy out this number that we would need. Close this again and go over to Google Tag Manager. To install the Facebook inside tag, we just go to the new tag that gives us a proper name.And in the tag configurations, we already have a tag template available to search for it. And here we go. We have our LinkedIn Insight tag. And all we need to do is input the partner ID. Now there are some more settings here. But we can safely ignore them as we don't want to customize our tracking in any way. And all we need to do now is to deploy our tags on all pages. LinkedIn insights tag will provide us with information about page views. Will also let us retarget do and conversion tracking. So let's see if it works by refreshing our page in the preview and debug mode, and going back to our page right here. And we can see our LinkedIn insights tag has already been fired. Now there is no tag extension that we can install to see if LinkedIn is working correctly. So we need to trust our Google Tag Manager console down here that it deployed correctly. The ultimate test would be inside our LinkedIn campaign manager if we see that there would be a signal that it was sent. Unfortunately, this takes a while. So we'll be able to test this right now. Depending on your website traffic, as it says here, up to 24 hours. So you might want to check back later if there has been a signal received by LinkedIn. With that in place, we can go ahead and now deploy our tracking to all our website users by going to the submit button, ad ententeringversion their names.And publishing this to all our users. So it goes live on our website. And this way, we have installed the LinkedIn insight tag via Google Tag Manager on our website. Now, what if you would like to install conversion tracking for your LinkedIn ads campaigns? This is also possible. Let's go over here to conversions. And we can create a conversion by entering our conversion name, for example, the thank you for the purchase of a product, let's call this purchase.And entering our settings, we choose a type here, for example, purchase. And we can estimate the conversion value that we want to enter. Now, unfortunately, we will not be able to port this over dynamically. So you could put an average value in here or nothing at all if you don't want to put in a value, that's fine as well. You can then choose the attribution window, and select the campaign to which you want to attach this I don't have a campaign set up right now. And then define whether you want to set this up through the insight tag, which is already installed on our page. Or want to deploy a specific pixel that fires when the user tags this specific action. If you go with the first option is pretty easy. But you can only track if somebody views a page. So for example here, we have an eCommerce store. So I'm just going to go through a conversion quickly.And we get to our order receipt page, somebody has bought something. So this is the URL that we could now utilize to tell our linked and campaign manager that we want to count it as a conversion.
And that sends the information over to LinkedIn. Again, you need to be patient here to see data showing up. Especially the conversion tracking only works when you have clicked on a LinkedIn ad, and then went through and purchase the product. So that's the only reliable way to ensure that this is working correctly. So since we only can see this in our preview mode, we would need to deploy it to all our users by again submitting a new version, publishing this, and now going live on our website. All right, so there you have it. This is how you can install the LinkedIn ads insights tag. I need to get used to the names of so onto your website with the help of Google Tag Manager. It's such a pity that we aren't able to put dynamic values such as our conversion value into this tag so Linkedin would pick that up and put it into our reporting. What do you think? Let me know in the comments down below. And as always, if you liked this video, then why not give us a thumbs up and also subscribe to our channel right over there we bring you new videos just like this one every week. Now my name is Julian till next time.
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