Is your destiny a choice that determines yoursel

Once upon a time there was a training. At that time the material presented was a matter of destiny. Because it turns out that the participants do not really understand the nature of destiny. They complain why some of them are rich, and some of them are poor.

Suddenly the trainer sat cross-legged and asked, "Am I sitting like this fate?"


"yes!", answered the participants.

Then the trainer sat on the table and asked, "Am I sitting like this destiny?"

“yes!”, the participants answered in unison.

Then the trainer stood up, placing one of his legs on a rather short table, then asked again, "Am I sitting like this too fate?" 

“Yes”, answered the participants curiously.

“So can I say that destiny is a choice? When I want to be a good person, then I choose to sit politely with my legs crossed, and when I want to be a naughty person, then I sit at the table, when I choose to be an annoying person, then I stand while lifting one of my feet on the table. , while you guys are sitting cross-legged below?” asked the trainer

"yes!" answered the participants who began to understand the meaning of the trainer's explanation.

“So destiny is something that has happened, when you are currently pious, because you chose the choice given by God to become a pious person, and vice versa when you are currently a delinquent, because you are the one who chooses destiny to be a delinquent, and you have been given a choice and guidance by God, which way will take us to hell, and which way will take us to heaven. And now we have chosen it”

“So also with wealth, God has given a choice through His guidance, how to get rich, and the road to poverty. It's just a choice which way we will go."

"Pray a lot to God, so that we are always given instructions to always choose the right path according to Him."


My best friend, maybe often in our minds about the event. There may also be differences in understanding the nature of destiny. 

However, what is clear is that we do not know what our destiny will be tomorrow (don't believe in predictions! We might shirk ^^). 

We are only trying and optimistic to make our destiny a good destiny, because God will not change a people until they change it themselves.

So, be optimistic! And try to live this life with the best deeds and deeds. Of course, just hoping for His pleasure.



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